Pearson is one of LSC-Tomball’s premier partners in GRIT. Articles, blog posts, case studies, and other materials related to LSC-Tomball’s Global GRIT Experience can be found here.
“The purposeful implementation of GRIT made a difference for students at LSC – Tomball as evidenced by higher course completion rates for “With GRIT” classes compared to “No New GRIT” classes. Lee Ann Nutt has energized students, instructors, and even those of us at Pearson, who are in awe of her enthusiasm and dedication to infusing new and innovative solutions to positively impact the lives of learners.”
-Leah Jewel | Managing Director | Career Development and Employment | Pearson
Education Blog

An aspiring immigration lawyer improves her GRIT
... GRIT has helped Alexis succeed in her academics and in her extracurricular activities. She is the president of the Honors College Student Organization and a participant in the Lone Star College National Model United Nations (NMUN) program. She credits GRIT with giving her “the upper hand” at the 2016 NMUN Conference in New York. ...
Alexis Kulik's Story | Pearson

How GRIT mindset changed a college
It is impossible to tell Lone Star College-Tomball’s story without thinking of the first twelve words of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” It was a season of declining enrollment, budgetary challenges, and lower than acceptable performance on key student success indicators. Simultaneously, it was the season of hope, togetherness, and determination. ...
Lee Ann Nutt | Pearson
LSC-Tomball Strengthens Mindset Capabilities and Career Readiness
LSC-Tomball Model United Nations Team Demonstrates GRIT
Case Study
Lone Star College-Tomball infuses GRIT to strengthen mindset capabilities and to increase persistence and career readiness
What's it about?
"Correlations between GRIT scores and Lone Star KPIs offer evidence that higher GRIT scores are associated with better performance. Preliminary data also shows slightly higher rates of successful course completion among the “with GRIT” students than those in classes without additional GRIT instruction."
Lauren Gill | Pearson