Through the Global Grit Experience, LSC Tomball will:
- create a culture that empowers achievement through the acquisition and application of high quantities of high quality grit.
- be recognized as a leader in utilizing grit mindset to develop human potential.
- infuse the principles of grit mindset and behaviors into local and global communities.
Save the Date for the 4th Annual GRIT Summit!
October 9, 2020
NOTE: A percentage of royalties from Complete the Agenda in Higher Education: Challenge Beliefs About Student Success is allocated for the ongoing sustainability of the Global Grit Experience. To purchase your copy today, and show your support, Click Here.
GRIT Resources + Research
GRIT Summit Presentations
Lone Star College - Tomball
GRIT Summit | Tomball, Tx. | October 14, 2016
Lone Star College - Tomball
GRIT Summit | Tomball, Tx. | October 14, 2016
GRIT Videos
Getting Started with GRIT: A video that shares how it all began.
GRIT Summit 2018 Promo
"It's About Your Story"
"GRIT in Action"
Supporting Research
A community college implements GRIT to increase student success
Community colleges across the country are concerned about low graduation rates. For the 2010 cohort, the two-year graduation rate was 11.3 percent and the four-year graduation rate was 26.7 percent.1 “Students aren’t finishing what they start,” observed Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, president, Lone Star College– Tomball (LSC–Tomball). To address its low graduation rates, LSC–Tomball decided to take a new approach in 2014. ...
2015−2016 | Pearson Education
Best of times – worst of times: How GRIT mindset changed a college
It is impossible to tell Lone Star College-Tomball’s story without thinking of the first twelve words of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” It was a season of declining enrollment, budgetary challenges, and lower than acceptable performance on key student success indicators. Simultaneously, it was the season of hope, togetherness, and determination. ...
Lee Ann Nutt | June 14, 2016

Dr. Paul G. Stoltz’s concept of high quality GRIT (Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity plus Robustness) are essential components of the Beliefs Agenda. GRIT: The New Science of What it Takes to Persevere, Flourish, Succeed is powerful in its common sense, practical, and clear application of deep, well-researched concepts.

Dr. Angela Duckworth should be credited with giving non-cognitive factors a “sticky” name people could relate to…”grit.” Her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, builds on her 2013 TEDtalk that has been viewed over 16 million times.
Slideshow Presentions & Videos
Houston Baptist University
First Generation Summer Bridge Welcome Dinner | Houston, Tx. | July 25, 2017
Phi Theta Kappa – Texas Region
Texas Regional Conference | College Station, Tx. | October 15, 2016
American Association of Community Colleges
97th Annual Convention | New Orleans, La. | April 2017
North Texas Community College Consortium
Grit Conference: Building Student Agency | Dallas, Tx. | November 4, 2016
Richland Community College
Decatur, Il. | February 28, 2017
Student Success Forum
Corporate Sponsored Event | Sturtevant, Wi. | April 21, 2017
Previously Presented at:
Chicago, Illinois | April 1, 2016
San Antonio, Texas | March 4, 2016
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
Conference | Tomball, Tx. | April 14, 2016
American Association of Community Colleges
98th Annual Convention | Dallas, Tx. | April 2018
American Association of Community Colleges
96th Annual Convention | Chicago, Il. | April 2016
North Texas Community College Consortium
Spring Conference: Cultivating Grit & Resiliency | Denton, Tx. | January 22, 2016
Lone Star College Professional Support Staff Association
The Woodlands, Tx. | February 7, 2018
Trinity Valley Community College
Athens, Tx. | September 16, 2016
Executive Leadership Forum | Community College Forum
Corporate Sponsored Event | New Orleans, La. | September 8, 2016
Texas Women in Higher Education
Regional Conference | Lubbock, Tx. | January 29, 2016
North Texas Community College Consortium
5th Annual Spring Leadership Conference | Denton, Tx. | January 22, 2016
Keynote Video:
Tyler Junior College
Tyler Tx. | Feb. 16 & Mar. 23, 2018
Lone Star College-LEAP (Leadership Education Advancement Program)
Tomball, Tx. | February 3, 2017
LSC-Tomball Center for Organizational & Teaching Excellence
Tomball, Tx. | September 4, 2014
GRIT in the news

The Holistic Student Journey Bolstered by Grit
... Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, made a simple New Year’s Resolution: read 12 compelling books — one each month — for professional and personal development. The first book ignited a series of events that led to a grassroots movement that is now successfully changing the culture and curriculum of the college.
October 12, 2016 | Civitas Learning Space

LSC - Tomball Hosts GRIT Summit
Lone Star College-Tomball will host a GRIT Summit on Friday, October 14, in the LSC-Tomball Beckendorf Conference Center to share with higher-education professionals its groundbreaking work infusing GRIT in the classroom over the last eighteen months.
October 11, 2016 |

LSC-Tomball recognized with highest honors at Model United Nations in New York
A contingent of Lone Star College-Tomball students were part of a Lone Star College group named Outstanding Delegation for the second year in a row at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York last month. ...
April 9, 2016 | Houston Chronicle

LSC-Tomball teams up with research pioneer to conduct groundbreaking study of students’ perserverance
Lone Star College-Tomball has partnered with Dr. Paul Stoltz, the leading authority on the science and method of measuring and strengthening GRIT. This fall the college will conduct the most comprehensive research study and implementation of GRIT ...
September 1, 2015 | Houston Chronicle

LSC-Tomball to Host Second Annual GRIT Summit in October
Lone Star College-Tomball President Dr. Lee Ann Nutt has announced that the Second Annual GRIT Summit will be held Friday, Oct. 13, on the LSC-Tomball campus. “Since Spring 2015, LSC-Tomball has explored how to help more students finish what they start,” Nutt said. ...
July 19, 2017 | The Paper Magazine
Grit Certification Program
Created by: Latoya Hardman Lewis
This 15-hour professional development program increases instructor knowledge about growth mindset, intrapersonal skills, their role in student success, and how to infuse them in the classroom. It increases instructor beliefs in the importance of these variables in the classroom and increases instruction use of direct and indirect strategies that help build growth mindset and self-regulation.