Nutt In The News

LSC-Tomball Excellence Awards Recognize Extraordinary Faculty & Staff
“Revealing who the faculty selected as excellent peers is a highlight of each fall semester," said Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President of LSC-Tomball. "Celebrating each other’s accomplishments is an important value at LSC-Tomball, and I congratulate those who have earned the praise and acknowledgement of their fellow faculty."
February 18, 2019 | The Paper

College system's northwest Houston campuses are building for growth
The Lone Star College System continues to expand its northwest Houston campuses to keep up with a booming student enrollment. ... "At LSC-Tomball, enrollment continues to grow, particularly at its new Creekside campus," said campus President Lee Ann Nutt.
October 11, 2017 | Houston Chronicle

Tomball ISD adds enrollment, early college programs for 2017-18
“LSC-Tomball and Tomball ISD have been partners in education for a very long time,” said Lee Ann Nutt, president of LSC-Tomball. “Forming an early college high school was an easy next step because of the foundational relationship that had already been formed. The need was there, and the timing was right for both of us.”
September | Community Impact Newspaper

Early college high school program set to begin at Tomball ISD
“To have received notification from TEA that the Tomball Star Academy is officially recognized as an early college high school is very exciting,” said LSC-Tomball President Dr. Lee Ann Nutt said in May. “We are confident that students in this setting will form healthy beliefs about their capacity to succeed and develop knowledge and skills that will serve them well for a lifetime.”
August 1, 2017 | Houston Chronicle

LSC-Tomball to Host Second Annual Grit Summit in October
“Since Spring 2015, LSC-Tomball has explored how to help more students finish what they start,” Nutt said. “I believe wholeheartedly that the development of GRIT (growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity) matters a great deal. But more important than the quantity of GRIT a student has, the quality of GRIT is key. Students with good, smart and strong GRIT are more likely to be successful in college and in life. The good news is that GRIT can be grown. This is supported by research we conducted in Fall 2015. Therefore, LSC-Tomball is committed to ensuring our students become gritty – in all the right ways.” ... “As a national leader, LSC-Tomball has a responsibility to share with other colleges how to infuse GRIT into their cultures and their courses,” Nutt said.
July 19, 2017 | The Paper

Quality of Lone Star College-Creekside Center Recognized with Award for Excellence

Colleges move ahead with expansion projects
“They’re in desperate need of expansion,” said LSC-Tomball President Lee Ann Nutt of the pharmacy technology program. “The domino effect of the pharmacy program moving up to the third floor allows for the reconfiguration of the second floor.”
May 17, 2016 | Houston Chronicle

How GRIT mindset changed a college
"It was a season of declining enrollment, budgetary challenges, and lower than acceptable performance on key student success indicators. Simultaneously, it was the season of hope, togetherness, and determination. ... We had to be smarter. We had to work harder. We had to think bigger. So we did."
June 2016 | Pearson Education | GRIT Institute

Lone Star College Executive Leadership Team selected to participate in American Association of Community Colleges High Performance Team Training
“To further develop our cohesiveness and effectiveness as an executive team is what attracted me to the AACC High Performance Team training. I’m very excited and humbled we were selected to participate,” remarked Nutt. ... “LSC-Tomball’s primary goal is and will continue to be student success,” noted Nutt. “We are constantly working to improve ourselves, programs we offer our students, and our internal processes and procedures. Participation in this High Performance Team Training will help us enhance our capacity as college leaders as well as sharpen our focus on the success of every single student.”
September 1, 2015 | The Paper

A community college implements GRIT to improve student success
Community colleges across the country are concerned about low graduation rates. For the 2010 cohort, the two-year graduation rate was 11.3 percent and the four-year graduation rate was 26.7 percent.1 “Students aren’t finishing what they start,” observed Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, president, Lone Star College– Tomball (LSC–Tomball). ... To address its low graduation rates, LSC–Tomball decided to take a new approach in 2014. “We began looking at college completion, persistence, retention, and success through a more focused lens,” Nutt explained. Working with the college’s leadership team and faculty, she implemented a “GRIT, Growth, and Greatness” initiative.
2015 – 2016 | Pearson Education | GRIT Institute

Lee Ann Nutt unanimous choice to become president of Lone Star College-Tomball in Texas
“Dr. Nutt, who received overwhelming support from the LSC-Tomball Faculty Senate, was the unanimous choice of the 20-member President’s Search Advisory Committee.” ... “The feedback I have received from Dr. Nutt’s interview with the search committee, her meeting with community leaders and the two open faculty and staff forums held at LSC-Tomball, has been nothing but excellent,” said Stephen Head, LSC chancellor. “I would like to thank all who participated and provided input in this very important process.”
February 24, 2015 | Community College Jobs

TRHF is Proud to Announce an Endowment To Lone Star College – Tomball in Honor of Elmer Lee Beckendorf
Acting President Dr. Lee Ann Nutt said, “LSC-Tomball continues to be in awe of the commitment of the Tomball Regional Health Foundation to the health of our community and to the college,” as she attended the ceremony. ... “The foundation is funding a nursing faculty position, equipment and necessary supplies for both our nursing and pharmacy tech programs, and now this wonderful endowment to provide all the necessary financial resources for one student each year to attend classes and earn an Associate Degree Nursing,” she explained.
September 3, 2014 | TRH Foundation Blog

Lone Star College names new president at LSC-Tomball
“I am honored to be chosen to help lead Lone Star College-Tomball and continue its excellent reputation as a leader in higher education,” said Nutt. “The outstanding faculty and staff at LSC-Tomball that I have the pleasure to work with has us well positioned for the future as we continue to help our students on the path to success.”
February 10, 2015 | Houston Chronicle